Student Highlight: Kalyn Melham

With a love for human connection and a fondness for the arts, Project Management Team Graduate Assistant Kalyn Melham has shined brightly at the Digital Corps. As a PM GA, Kalyn oversees client and Corps communication. Her hands on approach to learning allows her to delve into the learning process.

“I never expect to do something right the first time because I appreciate the patience of learning.”

Kalyn’s love for communication spans beyond her work. Singing and theatre are her passions, even holding a special place as a potential future career path.

“Theater is my token to connecting to the world.”

Theater and singing aren’t her only creative passions though. She also enjoys photography and journaling and shares her creations through social media. In everything she does, Kalyn tries to find human connections, whether it’s at work or in her studies as a Communication and Information Science major through her graduate program.

Kalyn’s favorite part about working at the Digital Corps is all the collaborative projects she’s part of.

“I really enjoy when there’s a lot of moving parts on a project, especially if it’s a website or design being made. That way I can see how everyone works together to make the final product.”

Through these experiences, Kalyn learned that work doesn’t have to be a stressful environment. She explains how there’s always room for fun and friendship with your coworkers when you work in a collaborative and understanding space.

Kalyn is a great example of how passion, creativity, and empathy come together to make a positive impact in a working environment. With a bright future ahead—including the arts, communication, and even running for Miss America—Kalyn is determined to connect with as many people as she can and make a positive impact. 

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