Student Highlight: Jake Klug

Being passionate about most aspects of your life isn’t easy, but Jake Klug makes it seem like an involuntary action. Jake is a General Studies major with minors in Urban Planning and Development and Arabic Language, Religion, and Culture. From architecture to ancient languages, all the way to software programs, Jake makes sure he puts his whole heart into every project he takes on. 

When Jake isn’t wowing the office with his multifaceted skillset, he likes to spend his free time adventuring to new places and capturing all his favorite moments.  

“I do like photography, [it’s] just really fun to me because it’s kind of like the sense of exploring, [the location can be] a familiar place, you know, but there’s always something new to find.”  

His eye for nature’s beauty doesn’t end there, though, Jake has taken his passion to the next step to add to the beauty of the world with architecture. He plans to go into a master’s program in architecture after graduation and fuse his current urban planning minor with his UX experience to be an unstoppable force in the building world.  

“There’s a lot of correlations between UX and architecture…with UX, we’re thinking about how a user is going to interact with it and how to tailor the experience towards them…with any building you’re designing, you’re thinking about the people who are going to inhabit it, and who are going to actually use it on a day-to-day basis.”  

One aspect of Jake’s personality that truly flows into any area of his life is his appreciation of his peer’s skills. Whether it’s differing opinions or a friend’s crafting skills, Jake is right there to appreciate and slip into the shoes of a stranger to better understand their frame of mind.  

“You can disagree with any form of art, but I feel like when you do the research or think about it from the artist’s perspective, or even just from someone else’s perspective, you gain that different appreciation of it.”  

The overwhelming positivity, resourcefulness, and curiosity Jake brings to the table is almost unmatched, always finding inspiration in every corner. “I love asking people for help or hearing their own insight, their own take on something. That is something that is always inspiring me.” Jake’s passion and apperception is inspiring to all, and we are over-the-moon excited to see what beautiful life Jake builds for himself.  

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