Student Highlight: Angeles Marin-Batana

User Experience Apprentice Angeles Marin-Batana

There are many variables to consider when evaluating what makes a well-rounded employee, and User Experience Apprentice Angeles Marin-Batana has spent her college years striving to be as multifaceted of a young professional as possible. Angeles is majoring in both Spanish and Computer Science, with concentrations in Language Linguistics/Culture Studies and Data Analytics/Machine Learning, with a Sociology minor as well. This gives her a wide range of knowledge that satisfies her natural curiosity. 

“Researching a topic raises new questions I need to know the answer for. I like to know all the background information about a task or problem before I tackle it.” 

This makes Angeles a perfect fit for the User Experience (UX) team at the Corps, as her natural curiosity allows her to think of any possible problems a user might run into and address them before they happen. Her ability to problem solve and think critically about challenges and roadblocks also come in handy for the trickier projects that the Corps takes on. 

Since she has experience with web development as well as user experience, Angeles enjoys projects that allow her to utilize her technical skills. If a project can challenge her in some way, even better, as she believes that’s the most effective way to learn. For example, the Ceres Testing Plan project introduced Angeles to a subset of UX she was unfamiliar with, and she found the process of learning it very rewarding. 

Angeles believes the blend of perspectives at the Digital Corps creates the perfect recipe for problem solving and coming up with impactful solutions. Being in such a collaborative environment has also shown Angeles the value of interpersonal communication and emotional intelligence in a workplace setting, two important skills to be equipped with as she heads toward graduation and the broader workforce. 

“Working collaboratively with students of other backgrounds has not only made the work environment more personally fulfilling but it also introduced me to perspectives I wouldn’t have considered before.” 

While Angeles enjoys engrossing herself in her work and learning all that she can, she also values hobbies and time with family and friends. When she has spare time, you can find her at the gym, hiking, or doing something outdoors, as she values her physical health just as much as her mental health, and her driven personality transfers well into these areas. 

Although Angeles has enjoyed her time at the Corps, she’s also excited for what’s on the horizon for not just herself, but the technology industry as a whole.  

“In Computer Science, there’s always room to grow and discover new things, which makes the job a lot more interesting. There are a lot of technological advancements happening and I enjoy being on the forefront of that.” 

With such an optimistic outlook on the future of the industry she’s heading into, Angeles has the perfect mindset and set of skills she needs for whatever the future holds. We cannot wait to see all the exciting things and work she does in the future, and we are happy that the Corps has been a part of her journey. 

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